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Think BIG.

Now listen: I’m not complaining. My job is mad cool. Creating and running a company is a position full of privileges. But can I be real with you for a sec? Sometimes CEO life is soooooo un-glamourous.

When I wasn’t sifting through spreadsheets reviewing all our revenues and expenses for tax season this week, I was setting up our Q2 budget, making sure everyone is paid, and doing a deep-dive analysis of our Q1 online growth. I’m talking spreadsheets and powerpoints and quickbooks and zzzzzzz…

Before you do, please don’t tell me I need an assistant. I have a total dream team of rockstars that make the Bossed Up world go ’round, but at the end of the day, nobody else can spot a fraudulent charge amidst my travel expenses like I can (which, I actually did this week! Watch yo’ accounts, people!). And no CEO can lead properly without analyzing business trends and having her finger on the pulse, but oh how I loathe the analysis. I’d much rather get going, going, going: writing, creating, and recording. That’s my jam! But this week was a powerful reminder:

Think, then do. 

It seems obvious, I know, but how often do you catch yourself operating on autopilot?

Carving out time to ask big questions like, “Why are we doing this? Can this be better? Can this be simpler?” is a powerful way to streamline your life and work. But it takes time – time away from doing the work itself.

Have you been making time for big-picture analysis lately? I’d love to hear what works best for you.

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